Exploring our connection to right brain education.

We were just like you when we had a newborn — nervous about how best to nurture our child’s mind and to teach baby to read. Now with years of scientific evidence, we understand that babies and toddlers have incredible capacity to learn effortlessly and absorb knowledge. Seizing their sensitive period, we’re here to help you start your child’s own right brain education journey.

Our Method

Absorbent Mind

The mind of a child under the age of six is an “absorbent mind”. During this period, children effortlessly soak up knowledge from their surroundings, much like a sponge absorbs water. Their minds are highly receptive and open to learning.

Sensitive Period

Sensitive periods are specific windows of time during a child’s development when they can learn skills and concepts more easily than other times in their life.

Unconscious Learning

Early learning occurs at unconscious or subconscious level. Children don’t consciously strive to acquire knowledge; instead, they naturally and spontaneously absorb it through their interactions with the environment and materials.

Learning made easier.

Easy to use guided bite-size daily lesson. Just click and play.

Our Programme

Keep their growing minds engaged.


Learn bilingual vocabulary and sight words guided by diverse accents by American, Australian, British, and Chinese.


Develop early numeracy. Learn concept of quantity, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


Cultivate a well-rounded intellect, spanning across art, biology, general science, geography, history, human physiology, language, literature, mathematics and music.  

Perfect Pitch

Learn to read and sing music notes in Solfege. Develop perfect pitch. Enhance cognitive abilities and foster emotional intelligence.

Speed Reading Readiness

Strengthen peripheral vision. Prepare for photographic memory and speed reading.

Character Building

Instill positive character values in your child from kindness and empathy to resilience and integrity.

Memory Games

Train your child on pictures memory games and matching words with pictures.


Train your child to capture the image of Mandala, helping to enhance memory and focus.

Classical Music

Deepen music appreciation by exploring the various pieces of classical compositions from Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Modern period.

See results through consistent practice

Stimulate right brain

Develop photographic memory

Bridge the right and left brain, and enhance ability to use the whole brain efficiently

Develop ability to learn a skill quickly

Unlock multiple intelligence. Start early with right brain education.

You can unlock the innate potential of your child at anywhere and at anytime your child wants to learn.