Unlock your child potential. Start early with right brain training.
Stimulate your babies and toddlers right brain with our bilingual right brain development programme. Learn at any time when they are alert from the comfort of your home.
Our early right brain education method emphasizes the concept of the “absorbent mind” during the child’s sensitive period. Young children, particularly babies and toddlers, have a remarkable capacity to absorb information from their environment without conscious effort.
Right Brain Education Programme
100+ flash cards every lesson
10+ topics each lesson
Right brain training games
Easy-to-use tool with any device. Designed for babies, toddlers and preschoolers. Lessons are packed with broad topics. Teach your child to learn math and reading.
Help your child develop multiple intelligence
Start early
The best time to harness the innate potential of a child is during their sensitive period between 0 - 3 years old. They have remarkable capacity to effortlessly absorb vast amount of information, and readily embracing every opportunity for learning and skill development.
Activate right brain
Activating the right brain has been widely recognized as a powerful tool for enhancing various cognitive abilities in children. It can significantly boost creativity, imagination, improve memory, emotional intelligence, intuition, spatial awareness, visual and pattern recognition, and problem-solving skills.
Become high ability learner
Developing the right-brained skills helps to improve the connection between the two hemispheres and promote overall brain development. It also helps children to develop multiple intelligence to become quick learners, capable of grasping new concepts rapidly and excel academically, socially, and emotionally as they grow.
Hear what parents say.